Sunday, January 13, 2019


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « seungri »
(pic not included)

1. Yesteday, Seungri had a concert in Hong Kong and told the fans that something made him mad
2. He said that some days ago, Yang Hyunsuk called him
Yang Hyunsuk: Seungri-yah, you had a concert? I didn't know. Do you need some back dancers?
Seungri: Yeah of course I need some
Yang Hyunsuk: No no, since your tour name is The Great Seungri, you can do it alone just fine
3. So he only sent 2 back dancers and sent the rest of the back dancer and the band to Black Pink's concert
4. Seungri said that because the fans were there, it's okay
5. Bigbang's fans are now pissed

original post: here

1. Hul 2 back dancers?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. He's freaking good at Chinese and Englishㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  He can almost do a standing comedy in those languages?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Look at the way he gave his mentㅋㅋ  "I'm okay even though I only have 2 back dancers, because you guys are there"

3. No but isn't this a lack of respect to the audience? Seungri's concerts are expensive and people come here as if they're attending a Bigbang concert, if you aren't going to give him a band, at least supply more back dancers;

4. He's f*cking fluent in Chinese;;; But Yang Hyunsuk just can't work

5. Why is he always like that to Seungri?? Is he jealous because Seungri is making his own money?

6. So he had no back dancers when he was practicing for his show? No but aren't they supposed to give more back dancers for a solo concert? ㅋㅋㅋ Is the CEO joking?

7. Hul it's not like they have no one in their company either. The choreography was already made for many people, but he had to rehearse it alone??? Wow... I'm shocked... What does he think concerts are?

8. That's yesterday's picture, there were indeed only 2 dancers

9. YG's band have been touring with Bigbang for so long. YG is too much. Where are his priorities?

10. I don't know for a band, but BlackPink never had a lot of back dancers so why??? The most back dancers they had was 4 people for Jennie's solo

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