Sunday, January 13, 2019


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I'm a fan of another group (I can prove it to you)
But don't you think that he might be thinking like that??? Maybe because he's smart and acts my-way but..
At first, he deleted the Nu'est's fandom's name on his Instagram? It wasn't like he never wrote it but he deleted something that was already there so it made me wonder if something was going on. He definitely thought that he did something a bit sad.
But except the Nu'est fans, everyone were saying how Minhyun can just do whatever he wants.
Seeing how the Wanna One members are all having their own future plans laid out and how he only pushes his Wanna One image, it seems like he doesn't want to go back to Nu'est

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original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.13 19:45 신고하기
I'm a LOVE and to be honest, I'd rather Minhyun not coming back if he doesn't want to, I would be fine with that... I just want Minhyun to do what he wants.. I want the company to confirm about his position quickly too.. I want them to make it official about whether he's joining Nu'est or not. I wouldn't mind if Nu'est W continues the way they are either. Right now, Nu'est W announced the end of their promotion so they aren't giving out any fangirl material anymore. No one knows if they are going to resume their activities and everyone is just waiting. I'm having it so hard

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.13 20:17 신고하기
The thing that annoyed us isn't that he deleted his bio nor that he didn't upload in the Nu'est fancafe but that nobody is giving us any official statement. I hate Pledis for just making Nu'est W disband. We're just annoyed at the situation. People were making a fuss about seeing them as a whole group on January 1st, and in Nu'est W's VCR, you could hear that one footstep was more extended. Pledis didn't give any feedback about anything for 2 weeks and that's why people are mad. We don't hate Minhyun, but we want to support him in whatever the path he chooses? If you're a real fan, that's how you would think. I will like Minhyun no matter what company he chooses to be in and will support him too. But if Minhyun doesn't come back to Nu'est, I will still support him but it's possible that I won't fangirl on him like the way I did before too. That's allㅠㅠ

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.13 17:57 신고하기
He's not the old Hwang Minhyun anymore so it's possible that he doesn't want to come back. He's one of the popular members in Wanna One, so even if he doesn't want to come back, it's not like there's anything you can do about it

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.13 19:05 신고하기
For me, the fact that he erased LOVE from his bio was more to be considerate to both LOVEs and Wannables? If he keeps LOVE, Wannables will be sad but if he randomly puts 'Wannables', it would just be weird. So he's just being fair? What's sad about that?

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.13 18:03 신고하기
I just want Pledis to let us know if Hwang Minhyun is renewing his contract... so tiresome

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