I'm dropping out"
Every time, it's always about split personality/another self
Apple (fruit of knowledge)
Fallen angel
All of these seem to always play the principal role?
They are all related to the Bible
post response:
original post: here
1. [+198, -4]
Ah I f*cking agree. Why does it always have to do with Christianity or the Bible? Someone should try a Buddha concept or something
2. [+192, -15]
Also, they are way too many homosexual performances (T/N: for ref, OP refers to business-gay-performance)
3. [+169, -3]
The music is just not the focus anymore. They are all focusing more on the performance and the concept;; That's why they are becoming less and less public friendly. Only people who like them will like it so...
4. [+73, 0]
And Illuminati
5. [+59, 0]
The concepts are all either about self-love or they are f*cking mad and breaking everything
6. [+43, 0]
All these concepts are related to the illuminati
7. [+40, 0]
Isn't Gain the most legendary for all these concepts?
8. [+35, -1]
My bias has never done any of these concepts though