T/N: As some of you already know, there are a lot of posts about Chuu's alleged school violence on Pann right now. People on Pann are also talking about other celebrities allegedly involved in school violence (ex. Seo Yeji, Monsta X Kihyun, Stray Kids Hyunjin, Hyuna, etc.) we haven't translated about them since their posts only appeared later when we were sleeping so we weren't able to track them timely (and also due to lack of time). We are translating this post since it's the most currently upvoted Chuu post so there might have been some lack of context from our part. Hope you can understand.
I saw that there was a post about LOONA's Chuu.
Everyone was claiming that the post was fake so I gathered my courage and am writing this post. Ever since I heard the news about her debuting, I didn't feel good. But even so, she didn't appear often so I thought that it would've been fine if I just don't watch her and thought that she would just disappear. But nowadays, I've been seeing her in so many places so I couldn't watch TV to my heart's content anymore. The memories that I tried to shut down kept coming back so it made me wonder why should victims be hiding in fear while assailants are appearing on TV like nothing happened and ultimately decided to write this.
I'm uploading the picture of our album and just in case, I'm also uploading a brochure of our school festival
I'm an alumni from LOONA Chuu (real name: Kim Jiwoo)'s middle school. When I attended middle school, we were in the same class in our first year.
First of all, I wasn't a friend who was so close to Chuu that I went to her house to play or anything. But even so, I was a friend who hung out with her.
During the first year, we had a friend in our class called JYB. She was kinda influential in our class (guys and girls were divided so we only had girls in our class). Kim Jiwoo would stick to her so she became the wedge between us.
JYB and Kim Jiwoo would hang out together and would bully others. The reason was always just because they didn't like them. So me and my close friend ended up being victims of bullying. I'll just call my friend "A".
I was the only one who talked and ate with A and Kim Jiwoo didn't like that so she told A that I was leading the bullying. But turns out, I was the one who ended up being bullied.
Of course, I was also resentful of A who believed Kim Jiwoo and who didn't even listen to what I said but I will never forget Kim Jiwoo's expression when I kept being alienated while she acted and talked like she didn't do anything wrong.
Afterwards, I got an invite to a group chat, and she would curse at me or threaten me. There was even a time where she would block my way out at the school gate when I was going back home and she would start cursing at me (her reason for doing that was because I left the group chat).
Later, I couldn't even eat lunch and every time it was lunch time, I would just be alone in the classroom. Our homeroom teacher did ask if something happened but at that time, I couldn't tell anyone about anything at that time and back then, I didn't want to remember anything so I didn't keep any evidence. I'm pathetic.
After some time, around the end of our first year, I asked Kim Jiwoo what she didn't like about me and I asked her why it was so wrong to hang out with A. Kim Jiwoo said that aside of the fact (that OP was hanging out with A), she just didn't like me from the beginning. So I asked her just why did she hate me and she said there was a time when we played in the underground parking lot of her house. At that time, she said that she had to go home early and said that her mom was worried. Back then, I said "looks like your mom is someone who is worried a lot" (T/N: there is no "shade" or "nuance" in the way OP wrote it) and she said that what I said put her in a bad mood. She said that it was like I was treating her mother like some sensitive and strict person. I was seriously so dumbfounded that I still remember it to this day.
Were my words that rude? When did I imply that your mom was sensitive? It was so ridiculous. Just because of this one reason, I lived in hell for a whole school year. It just doesn't make sense at all. My personality became so introverted afterwards. When I saw my rolling paper at the end of the 2nd year, everyone wrote about how quiet I was.
Ultimately, I decided to clear things up by writing this post but I didn't know where to start so it seems like I was all over the place. If I left out anything, I'll try to continue adding them in the updates. I don't have any picture proof so I tried my best to write the post as detailed as possible.
(T/N: OP made other updates later on saying how she lost her pen with a red mark on it and found it in Chuu's pencil case but Chuu insisted that she bought it herself. There was another time when OP had to present in music class and Chuu booed at her. In other instances, Chuu always would say that OP stunk and told her to wash her hair but because they were going through puberty, her hair would be greasy even when she washed it every day, etc...)
post response:
original post: here
1. [+813, -10]
The most scary thing about this kind of thing is that aside from the person involved, people won't know that the victims are getting bullied. She must have had a lot of friends and used her wits to play politics behind their back...
2. [+651, -21]
(The OP of another post wrote this comment) I was wondering why there was no school violence post about Kim Jiwoo so far... In reality, I also got bullied a lot but I saw scared so I couldn't write anything... I'm an alumni from her elementary and middle school. We were in the same class during my first year in middle school and we were in the same class during elementary school and we were acquainted. I was also a victim of Kim Jiwoo's bully... I didn't get hit like other people but school violence isn't just about getting hit right? Kim Jiwoo is good at managing her image so the people who are not aware won't know about this at all. But the people who were her victims would for sure know about this... She's seriously vicious. She would use others to bully people, she would threaten people and force them to bully others. She tormented people. During middle school, we were in the same class in class 1-2. Seriously, I was having it so hard that I wanted to die. The homeroom teacher learned that Kim Jiwoo was tormenting me so I wrote a statement? about her and it ended there. The school hasn't helped me either. During my 2nd and 3rd year of middle school, she said that she was gonna become a singer so I think that she started managing her image and she became more quiet... ㅠㅠ There are a lot of things I can prove. Seriously, it's true that Kim Jiwoo was a school violence assailant. Of course, it's possible that she had good friends too but she was horrible to her victims. I'm seriously so nervous right now. I don't know what I should write.

There are a lot of comments asking "what about Chuu becoming Peripera's new model?" .. ^^
4. [+398, -4]
It's possible to fight between friends but if making it so obvious, leading the crowd and making others victims of bully wasn't school violence, I wonder what it is? If she got booed at while it was her time to perform, what is this if it's not school violence?
5. [+360, -6]
Why do people keep insisting that it's not school violence. From the moment she was invited to the group chat and got cursed at, it was already school violence