After debuting, I was able to receive an overwhelming amount of love.
It's been over 10 years, and right now exactly 14 years and whenever things are getting too out of place and I receive the wrong kind of attention, I would think that it's because I must be someone who is lacking. Even if I'm angry, it's just something I've chosen to be part of my dream, so I'll laugh it off. I would think that it's either because these people are interested in me otherwise, I would understand if they can hate me too.
Every time I get hurt, I would heal again. But I don't want my fans who are trying so hard to be 'familiar' with me, who watch me on TV or on stage without needing a reason to get hurt.
I'm finally 30 years old now, but it's my first time bringing this up.
I made my debut around 15 years old and received a lot of love, and I'm still grateful when thinking about it.
I know that I will still be lacking but I just want to live sharing a kind heart and learning from each other.
Of course, there are a lot of things that I want to tell you guys, but I wonder if you guys even want to listen.
Ever since I was 8, I debuted as a child actor, and became a trainee at 12 years old in my 5th grade of elementary school to realize my dream of being a singer. I'm only saying this now, but my school years were such a shame. Whenever school ended, I had to take the bus right away to go to my company. I feel like I lost my childhood and all the memories and experience I could've gained from it.
What I really want to say is that I've never slapped anyone, and I have never hit anyone.
I wish a lot of happiness to the person who wrote that post
post response: here
1. I'm sad for her but she's cool
2. Hyuna-yah... It feels like she reached nirvana with that last sentence. I got emotional
3. She debuted f*cking young and already got so many antis. If there were things to expose about her, they would've already exposed everything. It's been over 10 years and I've never heard rumors like this surrounding her and you're gonna tell me that it's believable that things are getting exposed now? f*ckㅋㅋㅋ
4. I hope that all the kids who mocked her and jumped on the bandwagon gets punished. Hyuna fighting
5. I feel like I've only heard of one or two idols from the 2nd generation with school violence accusations. There are barely any. It's because rumors back then had no proofs behind them, so nobody believed them. Even Wonder Girls got school violence rumors, but nobody believed them
6. Don't touch Hyunaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
7. Hyuna is such a kind person and I'm someone else's fan
8. Wonder Girls' school violence rumors were seriously fake
9. The last two paragraphs are just..ㅠㅠ
10. It's way more believable when you talk sincerely and you clarify yourself as soon as rumors are out