Monday, February 22, 2021



(the video was posted today)

"The school violence controversy is still exploding right now, does Albamon not care about it?ㅋㅋ The business mind is amazing" 
"School violence-mon welcome~!"
"Stop deleting the comments, school violence-mon-ah"
"School violence-mon?"
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ sigh;"

"Must you release a video at this time? Is staff getting paid?"
"Please look at the reality a bit you dumb Albamon" 
"Byunggyu-yah you're too pretty TT TT I missed you TT TT Albamon I love you"
"Our Jo princess, we missed you TT TT seriously I love you Albamon" 

They released the behinds video

original post: here

1. They have now deleted the videoㅋㅋㅋ

2. They f*cking suck at doing their job 

3. They're calling them School Violence-mon ㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. Please save Mijoo from this ㅠㅠ

5. Albamon is dumb, Albamon farewell

6. Looks like they privated the video now tsk tsk 

7. Can they not read the room? The company has no back bone. Just leave Minjoo out of this 

8. Mijoo just announced that she got an ads deal and was so happy about it on radio, what is this


10. Are they doing this for the views? 


"I graduated from the same elementary + middle school as Jo Byung Gyu"
I don't think that issues surround celebrities school violence is something that only happened yesterday and today. Personally I don't take interest in gossip news either. 

But it was hard for me to not click on the articles that JBG appeared on. He was popular in primary school and middle school, so it was impressive for me to see him in the news like that. I thought "so celebrities do clean their past clean..." I clicked the article and read it. 

Whether he committed school violence or not, I'm here to talk about the kind of person JBG was. He must've gained a lot of fans since he appeared in a lot of popular dramas, so I apologize in advance for ruining the mood. To the people thinking "No way JBG?" I'm here to maybe confirm your hunches. 

When he was young, he lived overseas and in the later years of my elementary school, he got to transfer to Bucheon, Sang-dong's Sang-in Elementary School. And he also graduated from Seokcheon middle school in the same neighborhood. I was a year below JBG, but regardless of your year, everybody knew him for being an iljin. 

In the elementary school I attended, he was like the symbol of trouble kid. At that time, there would be physical punishment, students would go to the teacher's room and get punished while lying face down. Whenever this happened, the teachers would say "Do you guys want to become the 2nd JBG?"

In middle school... There was the Daewoo Purgio appartment right next of Seokcheon middle school, and in front of it was a small vacant area called the Daewoo park. JBG would eat his lunch there with the other iljins everyday. They would be around 10 people gathered there smoking, and riding their motorcycle for fun. They would scare and mock the kids passing by... When I say "iljin" you guys probably have a rough image in mind, but he was definitely one.

I don't know how he became now, but at that time, he was short, and small. So whenever he tormented others, he would specifically pick the girls who were weaker than him. My friends also got tormented by 3-4 people from their gang of 10 people. They would tell other students that the Daewoo park was a 'no trespassing zone' They would beat up people or take money from others, I didn't receive this treatment first hand but it happened so often that I lost count of it. 

I saw the news and how he's being exposed on communities. I feel like people are going to ask me for proofs and whether I have anecdotes of him being in New Zealand, but the best way to know this is to go ask his teachers directly. The teachers from SangIn elementary and Seokcheon middle school suffered a lot. 

original post: here

1. F*cking the worst

2. Wow calling someone else the '2nd XXX' is something you can say when the other kid was truly a problematic one. Seriously he wasn't just the problematic kid of that grade but the entire school...

3. All the victims that came forward have concrete proofs... 

4. Goosebumps, just what was he thinking all this time?? Picking people who are weaker than you to torment them is the worst

5. School violence princess Jo Byung Gyu, apologize and retire

6. I hate people who are strong and picks on the weaker ones the most 

7. The more you peel the worse it gets... At this rate, he will never clarify this 

8. An onion 

9. He must be a psychopath if he only picked on the weaker ones

10. It's like I'm seeing new accusations every time I breath 

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