98'er Jeongwoo (Korean)
Just a while ago, NCT's members were seen going off work with their head covered
He trained with the NCT members but he's debuting later

99'er Lucas (Stage name), his Korean name is Han Wookhee
He's from Hongkong
Rumors says that he's even taller than NCT's Johnny

Next to the fridge
People who went off work with them:
Taeyong, Mark, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Winwin, Ten (not confirmed)
people are speculating that this will be the next unit
post response: +17
original post: here
1. Are they going to promote in Korea?
> We don't know! We have to wait until it's official
2. Winwin? So we're going to finally have a Chinese unit?
3. Look at their nose bridgesㄷㄷ
4. Hul that first guy's nose bridge what in the world???!!?
5. Wow... they're covered but I know they're handsome
6. I'm crying from happinessㅠㅠㅠ
7. Wow... Their visuals make me dizzy daebak...
8. Seriously what in the world are these visuals....
9. Those kids are so handsome OMG.... I wanna see Kun too ㅠㅠㅠ
10. Please Ten come outㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ