Tuesday, December 19, 2017


At 1o'clock

post response: +5
original post: here

1. People should've known how good Jonghyun's music is earlier, it hurts me to think that SM let him unnoticed all this time..

2. Those songs gave us so much strength... Sorry that we weren't able to give you strength back

3. I didn't know that Breathe was written by Jonghyun.... This song uplifted me so much in hard times

4. I was crying at at the library everyday in my 3rd year middle school but those songs comforted me so much... Thank you so much for comforting me... Now, you can finally rest peacefully without any pain

5. I heard "End of day" on the radio today and my heart clenched... Thank you for the good music, I will never forget you

6. It's been a while since I've heard "Y Si Fuera Ella" ... I started crying

7. I've listened to "Lonely" everyday... But now I'm just bursting out in tears

8. Breathe is a really good song. Please rest peacefully now

9. I was still singing "Breathe" and Shinee's songs at the norebang yesterday, I can't believe it ㅜㅜㅜ

10. He probably wrote those songs thinking he would receive the same comfort he gave us through music. May you rest in peace

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