Comments are divided between people wanting him to send condolences to Jonghyun and finding no relation between the 2
orignal post: here
1. I seriously don't understand why he did it, but he probably thought it was Okay since he's not from SM. It's not even a comeback, but just a photoshoot... I can't view this positively. I've always felt this vibe from YG, it's not that they don't understand it, it's that they would hate to try to understand. This just made me grow resentment towards Yang Hyungsuk
2. But... He has the right to post it?
3. Does promoting his business means that he's not sending his condolences...?
4. If it was the same company, it would've been more problematic....
5. Hmm...YG is promoting YG's artists, doesn't he have the right to do it?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What's the fuss
6. Yeah I don't think he's at fault
7. It's not that he's at fault, but he should keep his etiquette and morality when doing business.. And do you guys think that Jonghyun really wants to see everyone fight like this for him?
8. He just likes to stick to his plan no matter what huh? Kinda funny
9. Why is this problematic...?

I know that the business is really important
But it really shows their true intentions despite the circumstances
They got so much sworn at that they had to delete the post
post response: +4
original post: here
1. Is it possible that SM didn't know about his death...? If they knew about it, this is just not humane...
2. It's not even possible that they've scheduled the post since you can't do that on IG...
3. Posting this while knowing what happened, you guys cannot be human..
4. I saw that from the capture, they've released it around 7PM, by that time, the news were already known to everyone, I know that there are a lot of people working in SM, but by that time, it's impossible that people still aren't aware of it since the internet has made it so big already... OMG... SM, that's too much
5. What kind of mind would do that...
6. We were still waiting for the official report about his death at that time.... They delayed to official report, but released this instead, what the hell are they doing ha.... Do they really not know how to work? I'll just assume they didn't know about it.... So that my heart may be at rest
7. This shows SM's true mentality, Jonghyun was like a family member there... I don't think that someone would willingly post this. It's probably a separate division who posted this and they weren''t aware of his death...
8. It has to be another department who wasn't aware of it.... This is the most brainless SM has ever been
9. They can't possibly have posted this knowing the situation... They can't