Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Why is everyone saying that he's going solo...?
I'm an individual fan of Mnihyun, but Nu'est went on Produce and Nu'est as a whole got recognition from it, not only Minhyun
So are you going to say the same if another member ended up making it to Wanna One???

Their agency is Pledis and his group is Nu'est, Wanna One is just a project group. Jung Chaeyeon too went back to DIA, so he's definitely going back to his group

Nu'est W received the biggest impact as a group from Produce and they've improved a lot since then too. It would be beneficial for him to go back
What's most important for Minhyun is to not create any damage,
ever since he was a minor, he was always with the kids, do you really think he'd dump them just like that..

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.22 02:33 신고하기
Minhyun knows best what he needs to do

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.22 01:16 신고하기
Can we leave Minhyun alone already

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.22 00:51 신고하기
But he personally wants a solo

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.22 10:38 신고하기
He can also go solo as he promotes with his group at the same time;;; Why does it have to be black and white?;;; They even announced Kang Dongho's solo in August. But the thing with Minhyun is that he isn't even done with his last concert and there are so much noise around him because his individual fans have been praying so hard for a solo. Me too, I'm his individual fan, but I hope other individual fans won't construct a wall around his solo, let's wait until the concert ends and we make sure that he renews his contract first. It's almost official that he's going back to Nu'est so why are people so loud about his solo? For me, I'd just support whatever Minhyun chooses to do, whether it's group or solo promotion. If he keeps going at it, of course he's going to receive a solo, so please cut it down a bit

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.22 09:31 신고하기
But in the end, they're officially 5 members ㅋ So stop with the prayers over his solo ㅋ I'm a fan of his and the drag has been oba ㅋ

ㅇㅇ |2019.01.22 15:59 신고하기
You'd think that Pledis never gives solo promotion ㅠㅠ they've already planned his variety shows and he's also promoting his drama in August ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ He should promote with his group first and then focus on his solo activities right ㅋㅋㅋ Why do you guys pretend to not know the obvious? ㅋㅋㅋ

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